We are not Doctors!!!!!!

We are not Doctors. (Disclaimer)

We cannot diagnose or advise on the treatment of conditions.

We are simply selling our home-made high quality Colloidal Silver primarily as a chemical free and all natural anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial disinfectant.

We choose to use our product internally, drink it, gargle with it, snort it (spray up the nose into the sinus) swill our mouths, give it to our pets,  and use it anywhere and everywhere externally. However this does not mean that we are advising you to do the same, we may often make it clear what we do ourselves, to give you ideas.

It is a big bad world and there are stringent laws disallowing unqualified people from advising anyone to do anything medically. However there are no laws stopping us from telling you what we do. It is assumed that if you are buying this product then you are of sound enough mind to be using a computer and therefore of sound enough mind to take full responsibility for your own health and well being.

So just as we have gone to great lengths to advise you that this is a HOME-MADE product, we also make it clear that WE ARE NOT DOCTORS and you are responsible for your own well being.