How do I know that your product is actually Colloidal Silver – not just water??
There are 2 ways of telling,
Firstly, if you can get hold of a laser pen (preferably red – as green is so bright that it will illuminate just about anything and it is hard to tell the difference!!), then you can get 2 glasses, put colloidal silver in one, and normal tap water in the other, then shine the laser through the water glass and you will see that you can’t really see the laser in the water.
However when you shine the laser through the Colloidal Silver you will see the laser illuminate a line straight through, hitting the suspended silver particles in the water. This is the proof of the silver particles being suspended in the water (if you look closely you will actually see the laser reflecting off some of the larger particles which will show you how small the majority of the particles are).
Secondly you can simply swill some of the Colloidal Silver around your mouth and taste the slightly metallic taste.