Some possible Colloidal Silver benefits.

Some Colloidal Silver uses

Remember, we are not doctors and we are not advising that you use Colloidal Silver for any of the reasons listed below. However it is useful information for you to know what people have done and do do with Colloidal Silver over the years and if you choose to, taking full responsibility for your own health, how it might help you.

It is claimed that you can use its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial properties as:-

  • A hand spray (instead of the drying alcohol gel)
  • Surface spray, to spray on door handles, kitchen surfaces, toilets, anywhere where you don’t want germs spreading.
  • Spray your meats and other fresh foods with colloidal silver before refrigerating, to kill any nasty pathogens such as MRSA on the food surfaces.
  • Soak your fruits and vegetables in it to eradicate potentially harmful bacteria and fungus from the food surfaces.
  • Clean and decontaminate your kitchen chopping board or that filthy blade on your kitchen can opener.
  • Add a 50ml to your washing as a natural disinfectant agent that will keep clothes, bath towels, dish rags, and other fabrics fresh and germ-free for weeks on end.
  • Soak your toothbrush in it to prevent microbial contamination.
  • Spray it around sinks, bathtubs and other surfaces to stop mould and mildew in its tracks.
  • Spray it topically onto cuts and burns for prevention of infection and to stimulate rapid wound healing.
  • Spray between your toes to effectively treat athletes foot.
  • You can use it on plasters when putting them on cuts and grazes, it has been known to keep the wound clean from infection and greatly improve healing time, on animals as well as humans.
  • Add it to your pet’s water bowl to resolve internal infections and help prevent infectious illness!
  • Put it into a spray atomizer and sniff it up your nose to eliminate sinus infections!
  • Add a drop or two into your eyes to stop Pink Eye or sties in a single afternoon!
  • Add some to your bathwater, or to your spa or hot tub, and enjoy its healing and soothing effects on your skin (and because it kills microbes so easily, it can be used to replace harsh and potentially toxic chemicals like chlorine or bromine in the spa)!

We use this exact same product internally as well

Mouthwash for mouth ulcers, gargle for a sore throat, use in an oral irrigator to combat gum disease, put in a nebuliser for sinus/lung troubles improve the effectiveness of antibiotics if you are having to take them, ward off colds and flu, alleviate intestinal infections, stop urinary tract infections, cure upper respiratory infections, wipe out infection-based prostate problems and much, much more!

A quick note on safety. There is only one side effect that has ever been reported from the overconsumption of silver. It has been noted that there is a link to a condition called argyria from the overconsumption of silver products. Argria is where excess silver deposits are lodged in the skin and when the skin is exposed to sunlight the reaction causes the skin to go a pale greyish blue – the condition is considered to be entirely cosmetic – but probably still best avoided!! This is extremely rare and requires an awful lot of silver over a prolonged time. It has also been suggested that argria might be related to silver salts and not colloidal silver.