Colloidal Silver a guaranteed cure for everything??

Absolutely not!

Sometimes things get focused on and touted as the new miracle cure for everything. I am sure that in certain circles this is the same for colloidal silver.

Please understand that we give no guarantee about our silvers abilities to cure anything

Some miracles.

Having said the above I will absolutely hand on heart say that I have personally seen more than one miracle using our silver. (certainly – possibly not surprisingly – on the skin surface.

Most recently, I got  a nasty spot on my chin (I think it was an ingrowing hair) – I festered for about 5 days, when I suddenly thought – silver – so I went to bed 2 nights running with a silver soaked plaster attached to my chin and within 2 days it was healed.

My son sliced the skin off the end of his big toe on a rock on the beach, we had silver with us on holiday (always take 2 bottles – 1 to give away if anyone needs it) within a few days – way way faster then normal healing – the toe was well on the way to full repair.

I had a large and very bad burn on the side of my neck (about 10 cm diameter) which would normally have left a big scar (don’t ask how!!!) I constantly sprayed it with colloidal silver (and also applied rose oil morning and night) and it is now completely healed with no scar.

Anti-biotics definitely have their place

On the downside I had really bad chronic sinusitis which virtually wiped me out for 9 months (on and off) I had about 5 lots of anti-biotics from the doctor which did nothing – I had nebulized colloidal silver and took colloidal silver by mouth and it just would not shift – until I (at great cost) privately saw an ENT consultant who prescribed some specialist anti-biotics which cleared it in days and it never came back – so I am also a great believer that the right antibiotics for he right infection can be more effective than silver. I am also of the belief though, that antibiotics are handed out like sweets at times and that having too many is absolutely not a good idea!