AG Silver is a very small sole trader set up, making small quantities of high quality colloidal silver just in the garage at home.
Nothing glamorous, no industrial manufacturing facility, no laboratory preparation conditions.
We have a clean, sound and dust free unit in a dedicated area of our garage.
We use brand new sterilised brown plastic bottles with a tamper evident screw cap for 500 ml bottles and atomisers with a cover cap for the 100 ml
We have had a great interest in natural health for many many years and the discovery of colloidal silver was just part of the natural progression of this interest. We discovered the fantastic qualities of colloidal silver a few years ago and were buying it at considerable cost from the local health food shop.
A couple of years ago we came across a fantastic guy called Steve Barwick, who, we would have to say, seems to be the worlds leading expert on Colloidal Silver, we guess that if there is something to know about colloidal silver then he will know it! His website is and most of the information on this site is gleaned in one form or another from him!
As a result we ended up investing a considerable sum into one of his special micro particle colloidal silver generators and a high quality water distilling machine.
6 months ago we decided it would be good to offer the opportunity to others to benefit from low cost colloidal silver to other people with the same interests as us. We started on eBay and after getting kicked off for the second time for selling ‘items which break eBay rules’ decided to set up this website.